Love Our...Church | Neighborhood | Schools

Feel free to wear or bring comfy clothes that can get dirty these weeks this Summer.

June 25 - Love Our Church

We will be working together to accomplish large tasks around the church in a short time immediately following the service.

July 16 - Love Our Neighborhood

Come to love and serve our church neighborhood as we partner with Bethany Inner-city Church and Hope Now Bible Church. We'll be walking the neighborhood picking up trash and praying for those we meet. This event begins in the Fellowship Hall immediately following the service were supplies and directions will be given.

August 6 - Love Our Schools

Our congregation will disperse to pray over Campuses all over the Fresno, Clovis, and Central Unified School Districts for our this event. We will gather by Community Groups (High School Region based groups) after our worship service while still inside the church building to get our school assignments & plan a lunch location too! Bring water so you stay cool.