Dear First Pres,

      I heard three stories this week that I thought were very encouraging. As I heard each one I thought, "We've got to share these with the congregation." So, here they are. At our Session (Church leadership board) meeting this week, we heard from a wonderful new couple that is coming into membership of FPC Fresno next month. I've always found it valuable to listen to the impressions of folks new to our church, so we asked them about that. They enjoyed the Sunday morning experience; they felt welcomed. But the thing that really made a difference for them was participating in their Community Group. They went to their first meeting only a few weeks after they began attending FPC. What they found there was exactly what they needed: connection. They felt like the group had just the right balance of structure and freedom to build relationships and get connected with the purpose of the Church. They instantly had more people that they could greet and connect with on Sunday morning. And, they very quickly had a way that they could contribute to the work of the Church (they've already hosted their Community Group at their home). As they were finishing their answer, one of the Session members proclaimed, "The congregation needs to hear this; this is why we're doing Community Groups." So, now you've heard it. For this one new couple, the Community Group was the perfect entryway into the life and ministry of our church.

     For another couple, long-time members of FPC, their Community Group was an incredible blessing this last weekend. For various reasons, they are no longer able to take care of all the lawn and garden needs on their large lot. Well, as soon as their Community Group heard about it, help was on the way. On Saturday, a Community Group work party showed up and took care of a ton of those needs. How cool is that? I heard the story from one of the workers who loved serving her brother and sister in Christ; she was beaming about the experience.

     Finally, on Monday night, one of the Community Groups hosted an event for their community. It was a Community Forum with Police Chief Jerry Dyer. The event was designed to engage their neighbors with something that would be valuable to the whole community. In this case, that was connecting with the Police department about the issues and needs in their part of the city. As it turned out, Chief Dyer couldn't make it; his job got in the way. But he did send two delegates who did a great job. The event was a success, but the primary excitement I heard from the Community Group members was about what happened before the event. Several of them went door to door in their neighborhoods to invite folks to attend the Forum. In that process they met new folks, learned of other things happening in their neighborhoods, and got more connected with the people that live right around them. Now there's talk of block parties and Neighborhood Watch meetings; now there's excitement about building on that little bit of connection.

     So, there are three stories that show three different ways that God is using the Community Groups of First Pres: to help connect new folks into the life and ministry of the congregation, to serve one another, and to love our neighbors. I don't know about you, but I'm super encouraged about that. Thank you, Lord.  I'm praying that He continues to multiply His work in and through FPC Fresno.


   P.S. Two things: (1) During Lent we had an early morning prayer meeting; the elders would like that to continue. We'll meet on Fridaymornings in the Commons from 6:30 - 7:15 to pray. All are welcome. (2) The second part of our Leadership Matters class on communication is happening this Sunday during the Education Hour. Please be there by9:45 to hear all the content. Also, I'll have some more copies of "Crucial Conversations" available for purchase ($15).