First Pres,

     If you're like me, your mailbox has been full lately of year-end appeal letters from the many wonderful organizations that you support. Here's the question: How do you decide which ones to support?  Each of them shares the important work that is being done in pursuit of the organization's goal; each of them asks you to consider a special year-end gift; and each of them appropriately gives thanks for your continued support. So, how do you determine your response?

     As a follower of Christ, every one of our decisions should be under His Lordship. So, I think the best way to determine your response is to pray. Submit your finances to the Lord; ask Him to lead you in your giving; and ask Him to help you be generous. Don't forget to get others in your household involved in this prayerful process, as well. It can be a very effective discipleship tool. Finally, listen for the Spirit to guide you and give accordingly. And as you pray, I hope you will also consider an extra donation to your church, FPC Fresno.

     God is working among us in powerful ways. Last Sunday, I spoke with a man who was visiting our church. He has visited several times over the last three decades. After the worship service he said, "I'm so excited for First Pres; there seems to be a wonderful spirit among you all. It makes me want to move back to Fresno so I can be a part of it."  Beloved, that was a powerful compliment of FPC. Another newcomer to our church recently told me, "The Holy Spirit is doing something in this church; I can feel it." Later that day, I heard the same thing from a long-time member. The Lord is at work in us. He is bringing kids to faith; He is helping us engage with our neighbors; He is energizing women through the study of His Word; He is inspiring men to reject spiritual passivity; He is enlivening our worship; He is breaking down generational barriers; He is drawing new members; He is showing us the fruit of our mission partnerships; and He is challenging us through His Word to increasingly submit all of life to His empowering presence and Lordship.

     Please prayerfully consider a special year-end donation to FPC Fresno - not only so that we can continue to experience His work among us, but so that we can see His work advance in us and through us.
