Dear First Pres,

One of my FPC friends sent me an email on Christmas morning a handful of years ago. He was in worship on Christmas Eve and God got a hold of him in a significant way. He had taken a few steps toward faith, but that night he clearly heard the call of God to put his faith in Christ. We met a few weeks later and he prayed to give his life to  Christ. Hallelujah!
   I share that with you, church, because I want to remind you that this is the kind of thing God does on Christmas Eve. He draws people to faith in Jesus. He builds His Church. He brings His healing and restoration and redemption.
   So, have you considered who you might invite to our Christmas Eve services? Have you asked the Lord about it? Have you begun praying that God would open the hearts of those you will invite? Have you begun praying that God will work to build His Church during our three Christmas Eve services?
   I encourage you, Beloved, put this in front of the Lord and be obedient to invite those He puts in your heart. God can use that gathering to change the eternal direction of one's life. Please pray with me for that end.


 P.S. Speaking of obedience, that's how we encouraged you to think about your financial offering to the Lord's work in and through FPC. I am so encouraged to report that this is likely going to be the strongest year of giving at FPC since I've been here. Praise be to God! And, Beloved, let's finish the year in obedience as well. Please ask the Lord how He wants you to direct your giving at the end of this year, and do what He directs you to do.