Dear First pres,

   Last Sunday feels like a year ago. At least, it does to me. Each day seems to be filled with at least a week of news updates, emails, and decisions. It’s disorienting. Should I be afraid? Should I go out? Should I buy more food? When will the kids go back to school? What should I do about work? Will we have enough money? What if I get sick? What about church? All these questions, which are very real, create anxiety and disorientation and unrest in our souls. 

   But even though last Sunday feels like a year ago, let me remind you of what the story in Mark 9 reminded us: when we are confessing and praying, the Lord works to overcome our unbelief. The desperate father of the boy who was suffering cried out to Jesus, “I believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24). It may seem like an unsettling prayer, but actually it’s the prayer that leads to increased faith, increased certainty, increased assurance, and increased peace. 

   During this season, Beloved, we need to be seeking the face of God through confession and prayer. As we do that, the Lord will be at work in our souls to fill us with faith and hope and love. Wherever you are today, whatever you are doing, I encourage you to take a few moments every hour to simply be still before your Heavenly Father. Confess to Him how you are feeling. Confess to Him your areas of fear and doubt and anxiety. But also spend some time confessing again who He is: the Almighty God, the Prince of Peace, the Sovereign Lord, and the One who loves you. As it says in Colossians 2, “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things” (Colossians 3:1-2). By doing that, not only will God give us His peace, but God will also equip us to be His saints in a world that desperately needs Him too.

Now, let me share some updates on what is happening with FPC:

Worship: We will have one online-only service at 10 a.m. Access the YouTube channel HERE. I truly encourage you to make this a priority on Sunday morning. 

Ministry Events: All on-campus ministry events are currently paused until further notice. But, the ministry leaders are working hard to find ways to connect. Last night, Meagan Bergem held Ignite (Junior High youth group) through Instagram Live. Way to go, Meagan!
We aren’t canceled or on hold, we are redeployed. Be on the lookout for these opportunities to connect in new ways.

Church Office: Due to the “shelter in place” order by Fresno city officials, the office is officially closed, but we’re still working. Most of the staff are working from home as instructed, but the office phone is still active. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions or needs.
By the way, we are still hosting the American Ambulance childcare on our campus. It is considered an essential service to keep our first responders working as usual. Please join me in praying for these families, that they will sense the Lord’s blessing as we provide a place for them. 

   Finally, let’s talk about giving. Your continued generosity is extremely important right now. Our church’s ability to provide space, compassion, and ministry depends on it. So, if you’re used to putting your offering in the offering plate as it passes by on Sunday, would you please use one of the other methods available during this time? Check HERE for your options.

   The Lord is at work, Beloved, He is still sovereign and He is still good. Let’s be His people seeking His face and sharing His love with our neighbors. 


P.S. As you know, this situation is changing rapidly. Please be paying attention to the church website and social media or your email for any updates.