Dear First Pres,

   On Sunday I had the privilege to lead the prayers of the people in worship. Here, I want to follow up on three of the things we prayed about together.
   First, I asked God for wisdom in our voting. Tuesday’s election day ballot was important both locally and nationally. That’s one of the reasons that it’s important for Christians to take seriously the privilege we have to participate in the democratic process. Now that this round of voting is over, I will return to my regular prayer that we, followers of Christ, will demonstrate to our neighbors the unity of Christ that supersedes our political affiliations or preferences. I invite you to join me in that prayer as we work to live it out together.
   Second, I asked God to please provide the rain and snow that we need to stay out of drought. You already know what a significant need this is for our Valley. I encourage you to pray for God’s provision in this area every day. Whenever I am trying to be intentional about praying for something in particular, it’s always helpful to use one of my daily activities as a prayer prompt. For example, every time I cross under the 180 HWY on Blackstone I pray for Fresno. So, how about praying for God’s provision of water every time you turn on a faucet? Not only will it help us remember to pray, but it’ll probably help us be more mindful of how we use our water, as well.
   Third, I asked God to please bring an end to the Coronavirus. As we pray, remember that the Bible reminds us again and again to “fear not.” We serve a God much bigger than the Coronavirus. So, whether God chooses to stop this virus or not, let’s not add to any sense of panic. Let’s stay calm and pray with faith while also doing our best to stay healthy. 
   In all of this, may we know the incredible love of God for us. Today, even now, He is delighting in you. 


P.S. Registration is now open for the Biblical Tour of Israel happening in June 2021. If you’re interested in learning more, please check out our website for more details.