Dear First Pres,

Our travels take us to many churches, and I can honestly say FPC is exceptional.  The staff and congregation were joyous, loving, and servant-oriented; it was a true joy to be a small part of what you are doing.” Way to go FPC Fresno!  This is a portion of an email from Dawn Leonard; she was one of the World Vision staff folks for the Kisongo Trek.  I am so grateful for the strong response that was generated from the presence of the Kisongo Trek.  What a great reminder of the way that God can use us in our own community and in other communities around the world.  The dream of partnering with World Vision, several Fresno churches, and the people of the Mahlalini, Swaziland to forge a new and better future together is more alive than ever.   I can’t wait to see what God does.

Now that the Kisongo Trek is behind us, there are several other things that I think are important for you to have on your radar.  Please check out the whole of this FPC Weekly for details on upcoming events.  Here are two I want to highlight: 

  1. This Saturday night is Get Right Date Night. I hope every person who is married or engaged will at least consider attending this important night.  Everyone’s marriage can get better; let’s work together toward that end.  Remember, we need reservations for those of you who need childcare.
  2. On November 24, during the education hour, I will be teaching on giving.  I’m confident we won’t cover all there is to cover about giving, but I hope we can work together to recognize what the Bible teaches about the foundation of our giving.  I’ll give you a hint; it connects well with Thanksgiving.

Be encouraged, First Pres.  The Holy Spirit is at work in us.  Still, may our prayer be “Come Holy Spirit; reign in us.”
