Dear First Pres,

We’re adjusting our worship schedule again. 

We had a great launch on Sunday of our combo in-person/live-stream worship service. A special thanks to all the servants who helped facilitate such a wonderful experience. Special thanks, also, to all the in-person worshippers who kept their masks on and maintained their physical distance. Even with those inhibitors, it was a special morning for both the in-person and online audience. Finally, I’m really grateful for the folks who ended up in the Fellowship Hall overflow. I’m sure that isn’t what you were imagining for your worship experience, but you were great sports. 

This Sunday we’re changing our schedule, offering two identical services:  

  • 9:00 am Live Stream & In Person Worship 
  • 10:45 am In Person  Worship & & K-6 Kingdom Kids Classes

Here’s our reasoning behind the decision.

  1. On Sunday we had the great problem of going beyond our capacity. While we’re in the Red Tier for Fresno County, the guideline is to keep inside gatherings at 25% capacity up to 100 people. That means that we can have about 85-90 worship participants in the room together with those who are leading & facilitating the service. On Sunday, we had about 130 people on campus for worship (plus 28 kids and leaders in their classes). We imagine that as time goes on, the demand to be on campus for worship services will increase. So, since we were already above capacity, it made sense to make the change now.
  2. Another important factor we considered in the change was the rising tide of new COVID-19 cases in our country. Fresno County is currently in the Red Tier, but we are trending toward the Purple Tier. Thus, we felt like we needed a schedule that could flex if we have to meet outdoors (our Level 3). As the weather cools, an 8:00 am outdoor service just didn’t seem wise. So, with our new schedule, if necessary, we could live stream at 9:00 am & do an outdoor service at 10:45 am while maintaining our Kingdom Kids ministry. 

A few months ago the Session (our Elder board) was discussing what it was that we felt the Lord had been teaching us during this pandemic. As I prayerfully reflected on that question, I felt like the Lord made something very clear. We CAN change! Of course, change is hard. But we have made multiple adjustments and changes over the last seven months. In fact, our Sunday morning schedule has been different for the last three Sundays in a row, and we all adjusted! If you ever thought to yourself, “This church could never change,” I encourage you to wipe that from your memory banks. The fact is, we have changed, and we will continue to change to pursue the mission that God has given us in our city and world.

I’m so grateful for you, First Presbyterian Church. I know that these have been frustrating, enervating, and challenging days. But the verses that the Lord has continually put on my mind are found in Romans 15:5-6. Paul writes this prayer for the Romans; I’ve adopted it for us.

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Yes, Lord, bring your endurance and encouragement, and unity so that you may be glorified through FPC Fresno.  

Pastor Jeremy

P.S. IMPORTANT: with the schedule change, the RAP class leaders are taking a few weeks to adjust. No RAP class until November 15. Also, on Sunday I launch a new message series, “Life in the End Times.”