Dear First Pres,

   On Sunday morning I preached from Mark 1:35-39. The passage shows Jesus going off into the countryside to pray early on the morning after the epic night of healing and exorcisms in Capernaum. When His disciples hunt Him down to let Jesus know that everyone is looking for Him, Jesus says, “Let us go somewhere else - to the nearby villages - so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.” In essence, Jesus’ mission, or primary purpose, is at risk. The guys (and “everyone” in Capernaum) want Jesus to come back into town and continue His ministry of healing and exorcism. But Jesus’ mission is broader. His mission is to proclaim the good news of God and all that is entailed in discipleship. So, what we see is that Jesus’ prayer life fuels His mission life. Out of Jesus’ prayer time comes a particular focus on what he came to do. And the same is true for us.
   That’s why I called a prayer gathering on Sunday evening. I believe that as we nurture our relationship with God through prayer, our mission life will be nurtured as well. Our prayer life fuels our mission life. What is our mission? We call it our Purpose Statement: to engage together in Christ’s work of making disciples for the redeeming transformation of our city and world. But if we just try to do this mission without nurturing an intimate relationship with God through Christ we will always burn out. It’ll be in our own strength. It will become something that we’re trying to do for God rather than with God. 
   The Lord did something in me as I prepared for that sermon, preached it, and then gathered with folks to pray on Sunday night. He renewed my focus on this aspect of our mission. Especially in this season of pastoral transition, we need to make sure that we are developing and nurturing a healthy prayer life - both individually and corporately. Out of a healthy prayer, life will come a healthy mission life. I believe we have to continue to make this a priority in our church.
   That’s why I’m calling another prayer gathering 7 - 8pm Sunday, October 6 in the Fellowship Hall. Unless you are already engaged in ministry that night (like our Fresno Rescue Mission team & our Rooted High School group), I encourage you to join me for a structured time of prayer that will help you grow and engage in prayer with your congregation. 
   Also, here are two other important & ongoing prayer opportunities: 

  • Friday morning prayer gathering from 6:30 - 7:15am in the Commons, every week.
  • Sunday morning, Education Hour class, “Let Us Pray,” in the Hub (includes both teaching about prayer and practicing prayer).

   May the Lord stir in you a passion to know Him more through prayer this week.
