“40 Days for Life is an internationally coordinated 40-day campaign  that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses.” This Fall’s vigil ends November 4. 

   Here’s what two of our members who participated in the Spring vigil had to say about their experiences. 

Paul Marr

   This spring I joined others in our community during a weekday lunch for a peaceful prayer vigil on the sidewalk in front of Fresno’s Planned Parenthood clinic on Fulton street, several blocks away from FPC. While there I met and prayed with a black pastor from another Fresno inner-city ministry, as we sought The Lord’s favor out there on the sidewalk. The goal was presence and prayer, and we talked and prayed together, there on the sidewalk. We prayed in hopes that mothers would seek an alternative to abortion and that we could pray with them or connect them with the Pregnancy Care Center (renting space right next door) that could provide support and practical solutions. We did not accost or engage anyone who came to the clinic, and this day there were only a couple of people coming and going as it was not a day on which procedures are performed. Those coming to the clinic did not approach us and passed quietly.

   We prayed primarily protection for the lives of babies, a new spirit in Fresno and mercy and help for mothers and all involved, including fathers and clinic workers. Traffic up and down the street was light, with some honking approval with smiles, and others yelling not so kind words as they drove by. We prayed for them. It was a special time to spiritually link arms with a black brother in Christ from our local community and represent the Father’s heart and body of Christ together for developing humans created in the womb in His image. 

Barb Andrews

   I was not praying alone. Other believers were there and I let them take the lead. Sometimes God brought about divine encounters where a woman would receive alternative help instead of abort. Other times we got to pray with women who had a recent abortion and were there for a follow-up appointment and regret what they did. We got to tell them about ministries that help with post-abortion trauma like Rachael’s Vineyard. Sometimes we got to lead someone to Christ and other times we just stood there and prayed. It was an opportunity to be Jesus on the street in fellowship with others, just loving people, from the ones God is already knitting together and the women in the dilemma and women in their sorrow. We can make a difference.

For more information about 40 Days For Life, please visit their website.