Be With Me: Experiencing Jesus in Prayer

An Intentional Journey to Deepen Your Relationship with the Divine

Week 7: Be With Me - In Confidence


Song: “Tu Estas Aqui” by Jesus Adrian Romero

Aunque mis ojos no te pueden ver Te puedo sentir, sé que estás aquí.  Although my eyes can't see you, I can feel you, I know you're here.

Aunque mis manos, no pueden tocar Tu rostro señor, sé que estás aquí. Although my hands cannot touch Your face sir, I know you're here.

Oh oh

Mi corazón puede sentir tu presencia. My heart can feel your presence. You are here you are here.

Puedo sentir tu majestad. I can feel your majesty. You are here you are here. 

Mi corazón puede mirar tu hermosura. My heart can look at your beauty You are here you are here. Puedo sentir tu gran amor. I can feel your great love. You are here you are here. 

Aunque mis ojos no te puedan ver Te puedo sentir, sé que estás aquí  Although my eyes can't see you, I can feel you, I know you're here. Aunque mis manos no pueden tocar Tu rostro señor, sé que estás aquí  Although my hands can't touch Your face sir, I know you're here. Mi corazón puede sentir tu presencia My heart can feel your presence. You are here you are here.

Scripture: Hebrews 4:16  How might you “approach the throne of grace with confidence?”

Personal Practice:

Places, just like postures, enhance our prayer life. This week, go to a Cemetery or sit in the sanctuary of St. John’s Cathedral. You may be reminded of grief, or feel awe within you - invite Jesus to walk or sit beside you. As you reflect on your place, what observations stimulate your prayer life? If you’re walking amongst the headstones, perhaps you can ponder how we are invited into not a linear life with Christ, but a cyclical one; a design of Life/Death/Life in Christ. Consider the artistic representations of the Saints, what about the unseen world is God inviting you to embrace? Hope, Grief, Loss, Expectations, Dreams, Love? Ask God to give you eyes to see what is just beyond the realm of physical sight.

Group Prayer:

Praying the Promises & Character of God: It is easier said than done to “walk by faith.” How do we actually cultivate the confidence needed to step out when the pathway is so dark? Consider this session a muscle-building exercise for confidence.

  1. Grab your Bible, a pen & paper or whiteboard. Make two columns: Character & Promises.

  2. Start with God’s Character and in an interactive prayerful mindset read out a characteristic of God’s character and thank God for its illumination in Scripture. Linger as long as needed around characteristics that resonate with your group. Then move to do the same with God’s Promises.

  3. Next take a few moments for silence. Have each member listen for what characteristic and promise God is inviting them to press into and believe for their own lives / life of the church this week.

  4. Finally, ask each person to now reflect on how truly believing the perfect care of God and trustworthy promises can help them “see the unseen” about 1 or 2 situations in their personal relationships, about work, our church etc. 

Download this resource here: BWM Week 7.pdf

Created by Beth Paz. The selections of multicultural worship are an invitation to remember the global nature of God in our prayers.

Photos courtesy of Spiritual Disciplines courtesy of “Spiritual Disciplines Handbook” by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun, IVPress.