Be With Me: Experiencing Jesus in Prayer

An Intentional Journey to Deepen Your Relationship with the Divine

Week 11: Be With Me - In Faith


Song: “Promises” by Maverick City

God of Abraham, God of covenant and of faithful promises, Time and time again You have proven You’ll do just what you said.

Chorus: Though the storms may come and the winds may blow I’ll remain steadfast. And let my heart learn when you speak a word it will come to pass. Great is your faithfulness to me. Great is your faithfulness to me. From the rising sun, to the setting same, I will praise your name. Great is your faithfulness to me. 

God from age to age, though the earth may pass away, Your word remains the same. You’re history can prove there’s nothing You can’t do, You’re faithful and True. 


I put my faith in Jesus, My anchor to the ground, My hope and firm foundation, He’ll never let me down. Repeats


Scripture: Pray through Hebrews 11:1-16

Personal Practice:

Spiritual Practice of Waiting: Search your heart with the Holy Spirit before God. Is there anything that you have given up on praying for? Is there anything that you have not prayed for because it has seemed insurmountable? Take time to name these areas. Write them on pieces of paper and put them in a jar, or on a sticky note in your Bible. Perhaps it is very painful to acknowledge them. Perhaps you feel God does not hear, is punishing you, is far away, doesn’t care or isn’t powerful enough. Write out your brutally honest feelings to God as well. If able, ask God to give you the strength to renew your commitment to wait on the Lord. If not, set that sticky note or jar in a place where you can keep writing out your feelings until you can enter into a posture of “Your will be done.”  

“Biblically, waiting is not just something we have to do until we get what we want. Waiting is part of the process of becoming what God wants us to be.” John Ortberg

Group Prayer:

Recreate the Hebrews 11 “Hall of Fame of the Faithful”: Read Hebrews 11:1-6 aloud. Take a moment to be inspired by persons of faith throughout Scripture or in history. In your act of remembering, share together in a prayerful reflection by saying a brief statement like: “By faith, Mother Teresa touched the diseased and dying in order to release healing and love.” “By faith, Esther counted the cost of her life and approached the King on behalf of the Jewish people.” Respond together after each person shares: “Increase our faith, O Faithful God.” 

Download this resource here: BWM Week 11.pdf


Created by Beth Paz. The selections of multicultural worship are an invitation to remember the global nature of God in our prayers.

Photos courtesy of Spiritual Disciplines courtesy of “Spiritual Disciplines Handbook” by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun, IVPress.