Men of Faith Conference 2019

by David Peltola

   It's been a few weeks since the conference and I've had some time to reflect on Joe's talk (which was excellent). While a lot of things stood out, I keep coming back to his idea of Faith Wins and Faith Losses. There have been times when I felt God's presence and listened & times I chose to go my own way.

   A powerful way God spoke to me about Faith Wins and Losses the "silent" hour we had Saturday morning. As I sat by the fountain, I worked through the Sin worksheet Joe gave us. I was honestly discouraged at first. There were a number of boxes I had to check if I was being honest with myself. Faith losses! 

   But as I thought about it and worked through the worksheet with my brothers in the small group, I noticed a lot of boxes I've been able to "uncheck" over the years through Faith and the Power of the Holy Spirit. Transformation! I always knew my Journey of Faith wouldn't be a straight line and simple path, Joe's diagram really spoke to that.

    Acknowledging where I am on the journey in comparison to where I want to be is one way to judge my relationship with Christ. To walk in the Light and his Righteousness (Presence & Proximity) is a daily, even hourly, challenge, but it's encouraging to have Brothers there to lift you up along the trip.