By Julie Carter, Director of Worship and Music

About a month ago, members of the Chancel Choir got busy to let their fellow singers know they were loved and thought about! Folks were recruited to bake treats (Alice Timken, Marianne Lee, Nancy Holly, Heidi Orender, Marilyn Conrad, and Julie Carter), others agreed to be the delivery elves (Barb Grunwald, Marianne and Alice, Daphne and Walter Saul, and Heidi Orender). 3 kinds of cookies/treats were assembled into bags, along with a sweet (pardon the pun) note of encouragement from Julie. into encouragement from Julie. Soon, around 40 people had yummy treats (with fresh fruit for those who couldn’t have sugar). It was fun to organize this and watch others leap at something to do to bless others.

Below are some of the comments and pictures!

Barb Grunwald:  I had a great time delivering - it was fun to get out and go somewhere on a beautiful day, and to visit briefly (from a distance!) with choir members. I miss seeing them so it was special to get to do so!

Daphne: Walter and I had a very enjoyable time delivering cookies. In his usual map-perfect fashion, Walter had put the addresses all in a good order so we could easily travel from one to the next without backtracking, so delivery was very easy and quick. No GPS for us. Although we tried to call or text each person before we came, not everyone got the message in time to open their doors, but those who did were delighted to receive the choir gift.

Roxanne Cousins: I really enjoyed participating in the cookie deliveries! It gave me something to look forward to and I loved getting to try out a new recipe! It was so nice to see some friendly faces after so long too. I underestimated how long the deliveries would take after a 2 hour conversation with Matt and it was already 1pm. With 8 more to make, I thought, “Should I expect all of the individual deliveries to take this long?” But it was really nice to visit with everyone and hear about how they are finding ways to keep busy and have some fun too!

Heidi: Thank you again for including me, I had a lot of fun doing this!

Margaret Licon: The sweetest words I could hear right now. God bless and thank you!