Dear First Pres,

I love the prayer in this morning’s Seek God for the City 2016 prayer guide.  After the reading from Deuteronomy 30:19-20, the prayer reads like this:

“If all You wanted was perfect performance, You could easily commandeer our minds and program our souls to obey You with never-failing precision. But instead of robotic religious behavior, You desire genuine love that chooses to serve You freely. We have chosen the way of life, but we find that our love easily fades. Keep speaking to us. Let us hear Your voice anew, and we will choose again to obey You. Let us sense the touch of Your hand, and we will cling to You. Steady our wobbly affections so that our love for You will increase throughout our days.”

This is a prayer that really resonates with my experience during the January city-wide fast and now again in Lent.  I find that my love for God and for others “easily fades.”  So I have needed the Lord to keep speaking to me, and to let me hear His voice anew so that I am drawn back by His grace to obedience. That’s why I love that last sentence: “Steady our wobbly affections so that our love for You will increase throughout our days.” I wish “wobbly affections” didn’t describe me, but I’m afraid it does. 

How about you? What is the status of your love for God today? How is that love for God being demonstrated in your love for others? These are questions Sunday’s Scripture text will raise for us, but it appears the Lord doesn’t want to wait until Sunday for us to consider them. If you’re like me, and your love for the Lord is a bit wobbly at times, I encourage you to keep praying this prayer today.

Lord Jesus, steady my wobbly affections so that my love for You will increase throughout my days.



P.S. You can expect a big final push for the Church Vitality Weekend on Sunday. You can sign up online, or come ready to sign up in person on Sunday morning ($10 per person).