This summer we have enjoyed watching our summer staff have fun, pour into our youth, and grow. We asked each one of them to share some of their reflections on this summer. 

     There were many amazing things that happened this summer but we will start out with some of the highlights. For Lindsey and Shannon flamingoing was a highlight. Shannon said that ¨Sneaking around Fresno with body bags full of plastic flamingoes is definitely an unique way to form friendships! In all seriousness, this fundraiser was such a fun way to intentionally spend time with and get to know students.¨ Being a part of the church family again was a highlight for Danielle who said ¨I am overwhelmed with the love that I have received from this church and all of the high schoolers and am so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of it.¨ Building relationships with the students was a highlight for Stephen and Trianne who said ¨It is amazing to realize that I began barely knowing the junior highers and now I have a friendship with each one of them.¨ Doug´s highlight was getting to visit the kids at camp and how excited they were to see him!

     This summer was not just filled with fun memories, the summer staff was able to grow in various ways through their experience. Trianne grew in her ability to coordinate large group events, ¨This was difficult for me at first,¨ she said, ¨but now I have a better understanding of what needs to happen in order for an event to run smoothly and be enjoyable.¨ Danielle learned the importance of relying on God in every moment through her experience preparing lessons for the kids. Shannon said ¨This summer I have really grown in my ability to be fully present wherever I am at. I have learned how to be still and just to be where I am, and not be distracted by other tasks I may have to do. I am learning the value of focus and attention in relationships.¨ Whether it was growing in patience like Lindsey and Doug, or teaching like Stephen, each one of our summer staff came out with valuable tools to carry with them in their journeys ahead. 

     There were so many great events this summer, here are a few of their favorites. Camp was at the top of the list for Lindsey and Doug. Lindsey said ¨Getting to see what the kids had been doing and learning all week and seeing how happy the kids were to see us was amazing.¨ For Trianne and Shannon the junior high trip to Yosemite, enjoying God´s creation together was their favorite. Trianne said ¨It was fun to deal with the challenging hike together, and the students did great!¨ Stephen´s favorite event was spending time with the students playing lazer tag and Danielle enjoyed the beach trip to Avila. ¨From singing at the top of our lungs in the car to swinging on the beach and splashing each other, fun was had by all.¨ This summer was filled with great times of fun and boning. 

     Our summer staff have not only grown in practical ways this summer, they have each grown spiritually as well. Trianne said that ¨having a job that required me to constantly think about God was really renewing. It is now a habit to think about God often during the day, rather than concentrating on myself.¨ One way that a lot of the team said that they experienced growth was in trusting God. Danielle said that ¨Time and time again throughout summer God's faithfulness was shown to me reminding me of His goodness and my need to relinquish control and trust in Him.¨ Stephen was able to feel God´s peace in the midst of change, Doug learned to rely on Gods strength in everything that he does, and Lindsey also had the opportunity to trust in God this summer saying ¨I have a tendency to be overwhelmed when I have a lot of things to do and I've really learned to trust God with absolutely everything and know that it will all work out for his Glory.¨ Shannon said that this summer she has gained an increase in faith in God and his ability to work through her. Our summer staff is moving into this new school year with great memories and a lot of growth. 

     This next school year will be filled with great things for our summer staff. Shannon says ¨I’m excited for new and renewed friendships. I have a very open mind on how God might use me this coming year, so I am eager to see what God has planned!¨ Trianne, Doug, and Danielle are looking forward to graduating this year. Trianne is also looking forward to studying abroad in Northern Ireland. Stephen is ¨feeling called to start a Bible study to reach out to a group on campus that doesn't´t usually have much positive interaction with the church.¨ Lindsey is looking forward to the freedom of having her own car at school this year. 

     As they enter into this next year here are some ways that we can be praying for them. Lindsey and Danielle are seeking direction this year as Lindsey needs to declare a major and Danielle is seeking clarity in her calling. She is asking for prayers that she wold be ¨attuned to what God is telling me and respond even when I cannot foresee the outcome.¨ Doug and Shannon are asking for prayers that they would stay connected with God this year as they enter back into their school routines. Shannon says ¨I’m praying that I don’t get too caught up in the hustle of the moment. I want to remain present and continue to grow my relationship with God. I don’t want to be “too busy” for God.¨ Doug is confident that this summer was just what he needed to head back to school with a spiritual boost saying ¨College has been hard for me socially and spiritually but I feel this summer has given me the drive to be better connected with God in my life in Flagstaff!´ Trianne would love prayer for her study abroad experience as she goes to Northern Ireland, and Stephen would appreciate prayers for good rest as he has been leading with InterVarsity, AWANA, and church.