Recently Marsha Wilson & Paul Marr participated in the Bill Glass Weekend of Champions. We asked them to share about their experiences.

Behind the Walls by Marsha Wilson

   It was May 4 and 300 volunteers traveled to these destinations: Juvenile Hall, Valley State Prison, Central California Women's Facility (CCWF), and Avenal. My destination was CCWF in Chowchilla along with others who came from out of the area, some from out of state just to take part in this annual event. The night before all the volunteers gathered for Praise and Worship and prayer, fellowship, dinner, and instructions on what to do and what not to do.

  Some who had never taken part in this type of ministry were nervous; however, they recognized this was not about them, this was all about God and allowing the Holy Spirit to use them to share the Gospel. There were about 50 of us that had to go through the  very time-consuming process of being checked in. Once through, the guards escorted us to the yards where we were to meet the women.

   One group of volunteers went to an outside area, another went into a building where there was a stage. The first group of inmates for the morning came in and sat down and we sat among the ladies while the speakers spoke. We had 2 speakers, one was a football player who got involved with the wrong crowd, sold dope and ended up in jail.  It was there that he surrendered his life to Jesus Christ. I do want to mention that he has a Mother who apparently sang hymns and quoted verses from the Bible, loves Jesus and is a prayer warrior. I mention this because he remembered what his Mom said about Jesus and that she prayed for him. He talked about how important it is to make the right choices in life.

   The next speaker was a professional performer, a ventriloquist and comedian. He had us laughing and trust me after watching these characters you almost start believing they are real.  The ventriloquist shared about our life without God, and our life with God. The ladies loved both speakers. Then it was time for us volunteers to gather around in groups. We were equipped with a pamphlet for every woman with questions and Scriptures, similar to the four spiritual laws. We shared the Gospel and asked if they wanted what the Gospel has to offer; if they wanted to accept Jesus into their lives.  Many women responded in first time decisions, and some in rededications. We also took time to just talk with somebody about their dreams and hopes in life and to pray with them. I had the awesome opportunity to speak to 4 women. They read the pamphlet and 1 made a first-time decision and 3 rededicated their lives to Jesus.  What an incredible experience! They were given materials to get personal bible studies and study guides. They will be followed up by the Chaplain.

   On the Sunday prior to the event, I requested prayer from the Prayer Team for this event These wonderful people (who truly love to pray) prayed for this outreach and are continuing to pray.  I asked for those who made a decision for Jesus that the seed of God land on soft soil, and that it would go deep and be rooted and bear the fruits of the Spirit and they would become strong disciples. Praise God for what he has done.








Avenal by Paul Marr

   I was invited by a friend to go on a prison visit, which I recently did to California's Avenal state prison. My visit was amazing: 74 prisoners of the State of CA were no longer prisoners of Satan and darkness when they gave their lives to Jesus! I also met, encouraged and was encouraged by the testimony of several other prisoners who already belonged to Jesus, and from whom I would otherwise flee, given their external appearances; but they were my brothers in Christ.

   This was such a great and easy way to share the Gospel! I went with about 150 other men, including about 15 bikers/motorcycles (who helped capture inmates' attention with loud engine roars). Besides 74 new lives in Christ, there were 150+ recommitments. We were able to encourage and pray with many who already belong to Jesus. I met many brothers in Jesus who went with us, who love Him and unabashedly talk about Jesus whom they love! There is no easier program and place to share Jesus: we all talk about what we love, and Jesus should be first on the list!

   Bill Glass ministries trained us the evening prior, they told us everything that would happen and how it would go and gave us tools to share the Word. They had it all organized with a guest singer and a special guest speaker who came from Florida. He was a notorious robber in the late 60's who pulled off the largest jewel heist in US history. Murph stole the world's largest diamond and gems from a New York City museum, including the Gem of India. He was a Tough guy, who served decades in prisons, a repeat offender, real trouble maker, and on death row: but Jesus got a hold of him in prison. Now he's in full-time ministry taking programs and the Gospel into prisons worldwide. (Read more about him here.) 

   And boy did he connect with the inmates and set the table for the rest of us to share the Gospel. They encouraged all the inmates who wanted to know more about Jesus to come and speak with us. They appreciated we were there for them, many mentioned being a "captive audience"!

Pray for the many new converts, for faith, courage, and boldness to live for Jesus in a pretty tough place. And for those inmates that have already accepted Jesus. Thank Our Lord for caring enough about them to send them the Gospel and His Spirit to give them new hope.

   I encourage all who want to share their faith (or are maybe a little unsure how) to join one a  Weekend of Champions events. It's a well-prepared program, with tools and guest speakers. They make it so easy to share the Word with hungry individuals: it's great training and it doesn't get any easier! They'll be back in our area next year and are busy nearly every weekend somewhere in the USA.