Geraud Brumfield

Rev. Meagan Kroeker

Rosemary Avery

Rev. Dr. Jeremy Vaccaro

Dear First Pres,

Dear First Pres,

Dear First Pres,
    During February's Annual Meeting we asked if FPC members would "be obedient if God asks you to give more." It was amazing when you responded by standing if you would commit to this. I asked a friend, one of the first I saw stand, why he stood. His answer was inspiring. He simply said he wanted to be part of something that takes risks for God's kingdom. God puts this simple desire in all our hearts. He wants us to be the light of the world, shining in the darkness. From our perspective, that's taking a risk for Him.

Dear First Pres,
   Wasn't it an encouraging sight to see all those new members of the church standing in front of the congregation on Sunday morning? They went from one side of the platform to the other. Praise God! He is doing good things among us. You'll notice some pictures and names below of our new members. Please do your part to welcome them into the life and ministry of our congregation.

Dear First Pres,

   It's hard to believe that the school year is winding down, and summer is just around the corner. But since it's getting so close, I wanted to let you know about some CHANGES that are happening at FPC this summer.
