Dear First Pres,

   It’s almost Super Sunday! I know that some of you are really excited to see the 49ers play the Chiefs on February 11, but I’m way more excited about Super Sunday at FPC. Of course, we’re playing off the fact that it’s the same day as the Super Bowl. But it’s a very special day of the year for our congregation.

   Every year we are mandated by our own By-laws to have a congregational meeting to conduct certain business of the church, primarily to elect our church elders, deacons, nominating committee and corporate officers. But in my mind, Super Sunday is about way more than just meeting our By-law requirements. In fact, I think we’ve made this “mandated” meeting into one of the most important, inspiring and encouraging events of the year. Hence the name, Super Sunday.

   Perhaps most important to remember is our modified schedule for NEXT Sunday, February 11. We’ll have one worship service at 9:30 a.m. (Hey Modern worship folks, please come early next week; we don’t want to worship without you.) Then, the congregational meeting goes from 10:30 a.m. to noon. There will be a short break in between the worship service and the meeting. Afterward, in the courtyard, there’ll be coffee and goodies for all to enjoy.

   If the words “congregational meeting” bring up bad memories or indigestion or a cold sweat, I want you to think about our Super Sunday as an annual celebration. There’ll be the sharing of testimonies, special acknowledgements, and hopes for the future. I can almost guarantee that you’ll learn something about your church that you didn’t know before. And, it’s a chance for all of us to be in the room together at the same time. 

   I hope you’re hearing me, Beloved. I truly believe it is a Super Sunday. All are welcome to attend the meeting, even if you aren’t yet a church member. 

   So, would you please make it a priority to be here from 9:30 - noon? 


P.S. Just to be clear, this Sunday, February 4, is a normal Communion Sunday: 9:00 a.m. Classic service and 10:45 a.m. Modern service, but I’ll be preaching one of the weirdest passages in the entire Bible. See ya soon.