“I was very encouraged! I am excited to see what God has in store for FPC.”

“So encouraged and energized. Thank you, Lord!”

“Encouraged! Thank you for the inspiration to stretch my faith in service and community.”

“A little too long BUT - very good to hear so much good news.”

“Well done! I wasn't going to stay but God prompted me to stay! I feel better connected to FPC. Thank you.”

“I appreciate the upbeat and forward looking update. I'm hopeful we can continue to increase our giving as we welcome more people to the church. This will be important for long term sustainability.”

“I have been very encouraged - especially by the testimony and getting church updates in honest and genuine ways. It was a tad long for me.”

“I was encouraged during this meeting about leaning into relationships.”

“Wonderful to hear testimonies how God is working in & through FPC and excited about how God is continuing to work in and through us.”

Dear First Pres,

   This is just a small sample of the comments that we received from those who attended Sunday’s Annual Meeting.  The office staff compiled every comment and rating into a spreadsheet that the Session will review this coming week. These comments will help guide us as we plan meetings in the future. So, thank you so much for your feedback.

   In my opinion it truly was a Super Sunday (although, I am sorry that it was quite chilly in the Sanctuary, and I’m sorry for all of you 49er fans out there). 

   I loved our combined worship service. Thank you for making that a priority. And I loved the way our Annual Meeting felt. We laughed, we prayed, we cheered, we celebrated, and we encouraged each other in the Lord. That’s the way a church’s annual meeting should feel, in my opinion. So, thanks for making it so fun. 

   Now, as we enter into the Lenten season, may the Lord help us to live into the opportunities that were shared in the meeting. 

   We’ve had a great start with our finances in January. May the Lord continue to help us give as He directs us to give

   We would love, even more, to grow our team of leaders in the Children and Youth ministries this year. May more and more of us take on the attitude that Sarah demonstrated when she expressed that she was honored to be considered a potential leader for our young people. 

   The Alpha class launches Wednesday night, February 28. We still need help with meals. We still have opportunity to invite friends, neighbors and family who might be interested in exploring faith in Jesus. And, we still need to be covering this effort with prayer

   Finally, we all have an opportunity in 2024 to deepen our relationships Up, In & Out for the sake of what God wants to do in us and through us.

   Remember, we are First Presbyterian Church Fresno together. And we belong to Jesus to join in His mission for His glory, for His Kingdom to come more and more in Fresno as it is in heaven. May the Spirit lead us forward in that great call.


