Dear First Pres,

   Last year, the Session (our leadership board of elders) approved a three-month sabbatical for me this summer, June - August. So, I immediately started working on plans for the sabbatical and plans for the congregation. As a family, we bought plane tickets, made AirBnB reservations, and mapped out the summer. As a leadership team, we scheduled preachers for the summer, organized staff coverage, made plans for pastoral care, and mapped a full summer of church activities. Then COVID-19 happened. 

   For March and April, we were forging ahead with our summer plans for sabbatical, even though it was a significantly altered one for me personally and for the congregation. The elders, staff, and deacons were ready to step in where needed. Everybody was ready to help make it happen, for which I am extremely grateful.

   But then, I changed my mind. As we’re still waiting to hit the peak of COVID-19; as we face a myriad of questions about how to wisely gather as restrictions lift; as we work to make the most of this digital ministry opportunity; as we seek to add a Director or Assistant Pastor for Disciple Making to our staff; and as we begin to absorb the impact of this pandemic; I finally figured out … this isn’t a good time for me to take a sabbatical. I don’t want to be absent for the next three months as our congregation navigates all of these issues. So, I’ve cancelled my sabbatical. 

   However, I still plan to take a significant break in June. All the mechanisms that we set in place for summer coverage will be in place while I’m away. And I’ll still be able to give my family one of the things we prioritized for the sabbatical: time at the beach. Then, I’ll be back for the ongoing work of pastoring the church I love … that’s you!

   Am I disappointed? Yes. But I’m not discouraged. In fact, I have a great sense of God’s peace in this decision. He is in control, Beloved, and He is on the move. He works all things together for good for those who love the Lord (Romans 8:28). 
That’s why I’m downright excited for our summer in prayer. I don’t believe this is meant to be a static season when we simply wait for things to get back to normal. God wants to do something in and through us now. Seeking His face in prayer is how we put ourselves in the right posture to participate in the good thing He is doing. May it be so for us.  
