The Coalition for Christian Outreach partners with churches to call college students to serve Jesus Christ with their entire lives. Our new assistant pastor, Chris Popadich was on staff with CCO, which began in western Pennsylvania. CCO and our denomination, Evangelical Presbyterian Church have an emerging relationship which may include partnerships within our Presbytery.


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   An FPC delegation traveled to Pittsburg to attend CCO's annual Jubilee Conference February 23-25.CCO says "It is a gathering of thousands of college students learning how to worship God with their whole lives." Our delegation included a few elders and  four college students. We asked Rachel Benitez & Shannon Muzio (college students) to tell us about their experience. 

Rachel: Our time in Pittsburgh was not what I was expecting, as we did not really know what to expect. We entered into a new adventure not really knowing what the conference was going to be like, not knowing any of the people that were hosting us, and having never been that far east before. The Lord was so present in my time in Pittsburgh. The Jubilee Conference that is organized by the Coalition of Christian Outreach (CCO) is a college-centered conference, which is unlike anything I have been to before with the high school and junior high group here at FPC. God fostered relationships with CCO staff and college students in different CCO ministries, as well as gave me the opportunity to more deeply know Molly, Shannon and Kaylene. There’s something about going into something blindly that bonds people together! The Lord encouraged me by being able to experience other college students who love Him and want to know Him more. The reality of Jesus being present with us today was shown to me through other people my age who are engaging in college ministry, the CCO and through the wonderful ladies I got to experience the weekend with!¨ 

Shannon: I wasn't sure what it would be like attending a conference exclusively for college students. One workshop in particular was designed for students pursuing careers in healthcare. The speaker encouraged stressed students to remember to take time for themselves and for God, in order to process what is happening in their lives. This is so different from the message the world preaches, which is go go go, until you can't go anymore. This very successful doctor spoke of the struggles of being looked down upon as a Christian in healthcare and how she uses her faith to love on others through directly sharing her faith, or silently praying for them while she intentionally sits eye to eye to have a conversation. This workshop encouraged me to slow down and take time out of each day to focus on what God is doing in my life and to not get carried away with all the tasks I have to complete. I was reminded to focus on the eternal good, that is being a part of Christ's family.