On July 3, about 65 First Pres folks wore their sneakers to church and went out to “Love Our Neighborhood” after worship. As we walked, we bagged trash from streets and alleys, and prayed for the neighborhood. Some of us got to pray with neighbors who were out in their yards.Some of us were welcomed by neighbors who thanked us for caring enough to tidy up the area.  After only forty-five minutes, we re-gathered on the FPC patio for a cool treat and to share reports of where we saw God at work.
     We were grateful for Randy White's facilitation of our sharing time. Coming together to report is an important part of the morning, because each of us learns from what others share. One of the things I learned was that, although poverty is definitely a significant issue, another profound problem is a sense of isolation - being separated from other parts of the city. Randy not only helped us understand more about the neighborhood, he encouraged us to share our hopes and dreams for the future of Lowell. And then we prayed - for God's shalom for Lowell, for neighbors and families to be reconciled, and for the good work that's been started there to continue to transform the our neighborhood.
     We know that what we were able to do in a short time, with just a few people, is a tiny amount in comparison to the needs of our Lowell neighborhood. On the other hand, God often uses little things in ways beyond what we can ask or imagine just so we’ll know beyond any question we are seeing him at work. One of the people who prayed with a Lowell neighbor said, “It made me want to go back, it made me think of them as friends.” That’s a little start that has big possibilities for redeeming transformation, of our neighborhoods and our hearts! 
by Pastor Lana Roberts