Hey Church Family,

    Since 1991, young leaders have moved into the pink 4-plex apartment across the street from our church. These leaders have gained insight from local leaders, volunteered with programs in our neighborhood, and figured out how to live in community with peers. InterVarsity, led by Randy White, launched and facilitated this program in its inception. Throughout the years it has had many different leaders from within InterVarsity. It has been our joy and privilege to step into leadership starting in fall of 2020.

Dear First Pres,  

  Have you ever received an invitation and your first reaction was, “Yes! What a great idea. I’m going.”

Dear First Pres, 

  When I was a kid summer was my favorite time of year. Summer meant pool parties and staying at a friend’s house for several days at a time. There was no homework which meant I had plenty of time for music, basketball, skateboarding, and of course the occasional video game. I also don’t remember the heat bothering me in the same way it does now. Growing up, this season was a different experience for me than it is now. Although I didn’t know it, it truly was a season of refreshing.

Dear First Pres,

Dear First Pres, 

Dear First Pres, 

 What are you grateful for right now? When entering a very full season, I look forward to slowing down by creating a few minutes in the day to be grateful. As Session ended their meeting last night Suzanne Kimball posed this question. No matter if we are worn out to the point of exhaustion, grieved by tragedy or celebrating each other’s accomplishments, may we be a grateful community who reminds one another of God’s mercy and faithfulness. 

I am grateful for…

Dear First Pres, 

Dear Friends,

I loved Sunday’s Pentecost Celebration in both services! We had people speaking the same words of scripture in German, Hebrew, Greek, Mandarin, Dutch, English, and Lingala. When they spoke all together it gave me chills!

Dear First Pres,

It is my honor to serve as interim staff director while Pastor Jeremy is on a well-deserved sabbatical this summer. Our staff is an incredible group of talented and faithful men and women. Jeremy has trained and trusted them to be the leaders they are – the people who are serving you and always asking Jesus into all they are doing. My role is to help with any necessary problem solving, to encourage and assist staff wherever needed, to have the pulse of key church groups, and to simply be available.

Dear First Pres,
